The new excursion A Night Tour of the Radziwiłł Castle will be available since 1-st October till the end of March only! What mysteries are hidden in one of the most stunning palaces of the Radziwiłł family? Will you be lucky enough to see the Black Lady, the famous ghost, whose sudden appearance in the halls of the castle often scared the people? Welcome to the unique night tour of the Radziwiłł Palace with family and combined groups (12+). (One excursion group — not more than 12 persons, 36 participants maximum, the group is divided into subgroups).
Inquiries and booking: 8 (01770) 20-6-02, 51-4-36. Prebooking is necessary. Please, contact us a week before the visit at the latest!
For your convenience we offer a stay at a cosy holiday cottage not far from the castle.
The visitors who have booked the excursion get a 20% discount on staying at the Palace Hotel: 8 (01770) 5 96 75. And also a 10% discount on dinner at the Hetman restaurant. Please, contact us to make an order: 8 (029) 385 92 39.