
History of Radziwills’ family
There was no family in the history of the Great Principality of Lithuania (below — GPL) which could be equal to the Radziwiłłs in the number of prominent political, clerical, military, and cultural ...

Niasvizh castle
The Palace and Castle ensemble in Niasvizh is situated in the north-east of the town, encircled by the ponds on the river of Uša.

Niasvizh Town hall
Niasvizh Town Hall — a memorial of architecture of the 16th century — is the most ancient among the town hall buildings preserved in the territory of Belarus.

Monastic orders
Niasvizh Catholic Corpus Christi church Niasvizh Catholic Corpus Christi church was built in 1587–1593 according to the design of the Italian architect Giovanni ...