"de Construction"

On December 17, 2021, at 16.00 in the Radziwills' palace in Nesvizh, the grand opening of the temporary exhibition "de Construction" will take place.
Organizers: Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus, National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Nesvizh", sculptor Maxim Piatrul.
The exhibition project of Maxim Piatrul "de (re) Construction" is a modernist sculpture created by the artist for 25 years, tactfully integrated into the space of the Nesvizh castle, an object of historical and cultural heritage. The project clearly demonstrates the interweaving of the cultural past and the present of Belarus, speaks of the influence of traditions on the modernity. Helps the viewer track the transformation of our culture by visualizing modern sculpture in the castle's space. It helps the author himself, through his own experience, to feel the effect of the influence of the historical and cultural heritage on the language of modern artistic practices, and at the same time marks the difference between the cultural code of the past and the present. The exhibition contributes to the construction of a real dialogue between two eras, implying one time at another ...
Deconstruction is a term used by philosophers Martin Heidegger and Jacques Derrida as a method that clarifies the truth, as a form (formula) that helps to find, reveal meanings that are beyond the usual reading ... In the context of this exhibition project, deconstruction redefines the usual reading, reveals new meanings of both the place itself - the Nesvizh castle, and objects the author's sculptural works of Maxim Piatrul.
The influence of the Radziwills on evolution, primarily cultural, is clearly demonstrated in the permanent exhibition of the National Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Nesvizh". The temporary introduction of the modern Belarusian sculptor Maxim Piatrul into this space expands the range of possibilities for the cultural evolution of Belarus in the field of exhibition practices and demonstrates the development of the artistic process in our country by integrating works of authorship that are in the collections of various museums and art institutions of the world, sculptures installed in the International Sculpture parks Chinese cities: Fuzhou, Kunming, Changchun, Zhengzhou.
The exhibition presents the works of Maxim Piatrul: "Elefantus" 1996-2002. and "Milk" 2004-2007, which are in one of the largest and prestigious private art collection in the world - the Reinhold Würth Collection. It contains about 20,000 works of modernism of the XX-XXI centuries from V. Kandinsky, R. Magritte, P. Picasso to A. Warhal, A. Gormley, T. Cragg and D. Hockney and is constantly exhibited in 15 art museums and galleries of Reinhold Würth, located in different countries throughout Europe.
The work "Counterbalance" is in the Collection of the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus. Works from the “Contranimals” Series 2011-2017 are sculptures in the Qingdao Sculpture Gallery Collection, the National Art Museum of the People's Republic of China – “Counterbutterfly” and “Conteranimal” - also installed as a public sculpture in the Zhengzhou International Sculpture Park - the capital of Henan province. The work "Counterbird" - in the Collection of the National Center for Contemporary Arts of the Republic of Belarus, is being prepared for installation on Dzerzhinsky Avenue in Minsk in the form of a public sculpture…
The period of the exhibition is from December 17, 2021 to July 3, 2022.
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